Dearborn CPR VS Others

Let’s talk about price and quality 

Learning Basic Life Support is a serious matter. It’s the difference between saving a life while being in control of emergencies that may happen vs panicking and losing precious time. 
Here at Dearborn CPR we are dedicated to putting in the time and effort to teaching you the right way 
The reason why we renew our BLS & CPR cards every two years, even though we may be medical professionals, is related to a major concept:  Repetition
It’s not everyday that a typical Health Care Professional encounters an emergency.   Let alone others who are in different fields of practice. 
Thank God.
 But when we do experience an emergency, sometimes what we’ve learned a year ago may be rusty. And instead of relying on muscle memory, we may find ourselves thinking about what that first second and third step may be. Or when do you use 15:2 ratios vs when is 30:2 ratios more appropriate (we will discuss these in class). 
Every two years, it is recommended that we gain our recertifications. In all honesty I know that it can be a hassle at times. And we do try our best to work with you in scheduling an appointment. We will keep the open lines of communication with you and try to accommodate you the best we can. We keep flexible schedules that work around YOURS. 
The classes may be 4 hours. And yes that may feel daunting. But with breaks and fast paced and fun learning, the experience goes by quickly. 
Some instructors may offer less class time. This may seem like a better deal. And they may appear to be charging less money as well. Who can deny their offer. This may look like a better deal at face value. But it’s not
Let’s break it down. 
Saving a life is so important. On a merit level, you must ask yourself. “Is 4 hours every two years too much time to give to save a life?” How would you weigh saving a life?
That life in your hands may not just be a patient or stranger. That life you are trying to save may be your parent. Your spouse. Your sibling or your child…your baby. 
Imagine yourself in that position. Would you feel more comfortable looking back at your BLS and CPR training knowing you put the time in and took no shortcuts?  That you were taught the most up to date information on how to save a life?  And that your muscle memory took control and you actually helped bring that person you’re thinking about back to life?  With your two hands and full training. You accomplished the most rewarding feeling, saving a life!
Others may offer a cheaper rate. That may appear appealing on face value. But when you look at the time frame of the class and the cost and do the math, you’ll come to see how unfair it is
For example. 
Someone offers a BLS class for $50. The class is only two hours. And you get your BLS certificate. Sounds like a great deal. Right!?
But if you divide that $50/2hrs. Your being charged $25 an hour and your being cheated by 2 more hours of necessary time to build that muscle memory. It is rushed and this is a sign the instructor is in it for the money and not saving lives. This may remind you of an assembly line. No heart in the matter. No passion vested into what you do. Just in and out like a factory. 
At Dearborn CPR we have our basic class at $65.  This is approx 4 hours. If you do the math 
$65/4hrs equals. $16.25/hour
Which deal is better. 
You would end up paying $100 for the same class with the competition. 
And you get your full time and build that muscle memory and discuss scenarios to get you familiar with different types of emergencies. 
It won’t be a 2 hour blur. But it will be an interactive productive learning experience that you will remember and take with you wherever you go. 
We look forward to seeing you make the right decision and choose Dearborn CPR for your best BLS and CPR learning experience. Let’s Save a Life.