Why I started Dearborn CPR

After moving to Dearborn, CPR was never what I imagined being an instructor for. I got into it to teach people how to save a life. Recently, a death in the family occurred in another country related to a heart attack. All I could think of was…

” If only someone new how to do CPR, he could have maybe had a chance.”

I began to reach out to family asking them about what they understood about CPR and how would they react in such a difficult and stressful situation. Being a nurse myself, CPR is something I just know. But I was amazed at the responses. Not many people are prepared for a situation like this. Then I spoke to others in Dearborn, about CPR and where they could learn the skill in case an emergency ever happened. People’s response was quite the same. Confusion and not knowing where to go to get certification.

Hence DEARBORN CPR was born. Dearborn CPR was created to bring awareness to the importance of developing a skill, through repetition that can save a life. Not only will you be able to save a life in Dearborn or Michigan or the USA….BUT in THE whole WORLD.

Here, Dearborn CPR will strive to teach all who walks through these doors and all those who invites us to them, the necessary skills to save a life, no matter where they are.

It is our goal, once our scheduled time together comes to an end, that you will have gained confidence in your skills and will have gained the tools to make reason out of chaos during an emergency. You will hopefully…Save a Life.